NYS 4-H Shooting Sports Championship
2021 NYS 4-H Shooting Sports Championship
Great News! The registration is up for the 2021 4-H State Shooting Competition.
Click here to visit the Wyoming County CCE 4-H Shooting Sports page. Much but not all of the information on that page will be included below.
Click Here to register for the shooting events. Please note you will pay your fee's online using Paypal.
Be sure to pay attention as to HOW you register as you will register for one (1) or more shooting events throughout the three days of competition. Please note the timing and duration of each event. It is recommended that you have a pencil and paper handy as you complete the process in order to prevent conflicts in your shooting competition schedule.
Key Event Information
Camp Wyomoco, 2780 Buffalo Road, Varysburg, NY 14167
Shotgun location to be determined.
Carefully review the General Rules for clarifications. If you have a preferred time, please get your prepaid application in early. All preferred times will go on a first come basis. Get your application in early!
Regular entries, application, and fees, need to be received by September 10th.
Please send to the address shown on the registration form.
Three weeks prior to the event, the T-shirt order will be removed and events that do not have participants will be closed, so it is in your best interest to register early.
Acknowledgment of risk form, permission and medical release form, and the code of conduct form need to be completed and in possession of your educator per your counties policies.
New York State Championship – Accountability form must also be filled out and mailed to Wyoming County CCE
Please refer to and READ ALL documents below as they contain important event information.